[2024] Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing (Now with AI!)
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Ενημέρωση για Σεμινάρια Udemy
Για να παρακολουθήσετε ένα Σεμινάριο που ανήκει στο Udemy ακολουθήστε τον κατάλληλο σύνδεσμο «Μπείτε στο Udemy»,και μέσα από το περιβάλλον του Udemy πληρώνετε το κόστος και το Σεμινάριο είναι στην διάθεση σας με τους όρους και τις προϋποθέσεις που αναφέρονται εκεί.
Οι τιμές πού εμφανίζονται στο Seminarpro ενδέχεται να είναι διαφορετικές από αυτές του Udemy , αυτό συμβαίνει διότι περιστασιακά το Udemy μεταβάλλει τις τιμές ανάλογα με την πολιτική προσφορών που εφαρμόζει. Η τιμή αγοράς είναι αυτή που εμφανίζεται κάθε φορά στο Udemy.
Τα Σεμινάρια που προβάλλονται στο Seminarpro αλλά προέρχονται από το Udemy περιέχουν video με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους. Οι υπόλοιπες δραστηριότητες όπως σημειώσεις ή ερωτήσεις κατανόησης είναι στα Αγγλικά.
Η πληρωμή γίνεται απευθείας στο Udemy και αυτό είναι υπεύθυνο για την έκδοση αντίστοιχων παραστατικών.
Το συγκεκριμένο Σεμινάριο σας δίνει την δυνατότητα να συμμετέχετε σε εξετάσεις για απόκτηση διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένης πιστοποίησης με τίτλο «Digital Marketing – Χρήση τεχνικών και εργαλείων Social Media Marketing» που προσφέρεται από την ACTA (Τεχνοβλαστός Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης) και αναγνωρίζεται από το ΕΣΥΔ. (Εθνικό Σύστημα Διαπίστευσης). Φορείς με διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένο κύρος που θα προσθέσουν ιδιαίτερη βαρύτητα στο βιογραφικό σας.
Πατήστε Εδώ για περισσότερες πληροφορίες
Περιγραφή Σεμιναρίου
Γίνετε πιστοποιημένος χάκερ ανάπτυξης! Γίνετε μέλος ενός δικτύου περισσότερων από 45.000 αποφοίτων και ομάδων από κορυφαίες εταιρείες, όπως το PayPal, η IBM, η Accenture και άλλες στο μάθημα με τις μεγαλύτερες πωλήσεις ανάπτυξης hacking στον κόσμο!
Αναπτύξτε τα αποτελέσματα του ψηφιακού μάρκετινγκ γρηγορότερα μέσω της δύναμης του αναπτυξιακού hacking! Σε αυτό το κορυφαίο μάθημα στον κλάδο, θα ανακαλύψετε τα εξαιρετικά οφέλη των ψηφιακών μετρήσεων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των λιτών αναλυτικών στοιχείων, της κυκλοφορίας ιστού, των διοχετεύσεων ψηφιακής μετατροπής και των υπολογισμών LTV και CAC. Θα αποκτήσετε επίσης πρόσβαση σε πληροφορίες αιχμής σχετικά με το εισερχόμενο μάρκετινγκ, το μάρκετινγκ μέσω email, το SEO, την απόκτηση επί πληρωμή, τις δημόσιες σχέσεις, το viral marketing και πολλά άλλα!
Θέλετε να έχετε τεράστια επιτυχία στο σύγχρονο ψηφιακό μάρκετινγκ; Με αυτό το αξιοσημείωτο μάθημα στα χέρια σας, μπορείτε να βελτιώσετε τις απαραίτητες δεξιότητες για να προσελκύσετε και να διατηρήσετε πελάτες μέσω οποιουδήποτε διαδικτυακού καναλιού. Αξιοποιώντας τα πλεονεκτήματα του αναπτυξιακού hacking, μπορείτε:
Ανταγωνιστείτε πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο ακόμη και με τις μεγαλύτερες εταιρείες στη Silicon Valley
Δημιουργήστε την επιχείρησή σας με μυστικά άγνωστα στους περισσότερους επιχειρηματίες
Πληρείτε τις προϋποθέσεις για θέσεις εργασίας ψηφιακού μάρκετινγκ με μεγαλύτερο κύρος και υψηλότερη αμοιβή
Βελτιώστε τα αποτελέσματά σας με το μάρκετινγκ περιεχομένου, τα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και το SEO
Ανακαλύψτε τις πραγματικές δυνατότητες του email marketing, του viral marketing και των δημοσίων σχέσεων
Οδηγήστε τις ομάδες ψηφιακού μάρκετινγκ σε τεράστιες αυξήσεις στα ποσοστά μετατροπών
Πολλαπλασιάστε τα αποτελέσματά σας με ανάπτυξη hacking που εφαρμόζεται σε πολλά κανάλια
1[Beginner] What is Growth Hacking?Video lesson
2Howdy! Welcome to Growth Hacking 2024 (Version 7.5)Video lesson
3[Intermediate] How to Launch and Manage a Growth TeamVideo lesson
4Access All Eazl 2024 Growth Hacking Templates, Guides, and Special ResourcesText lesson
If you'd like to go ahead and grab the all of the growth hacking resources that you have from this course, they're all linked for you below. These resources are also available as links in the course study guide and will be available to you as you need them throughout the course.
Note: There are also many further reading resources linked throughout the course that are not linked to in this lecture. You'll find those as you go through the course.
5AI in Growth Hacking: Plan the Launch of Your Growth TeamVideo lesson
You can use this AI prompt with ChatGPT or Claude (both generative AI models offer nice free tiers). You can also use this with Meta's Llama and Google's AI models (for example, PaLM and Gemini) through the Eazl AI app (account required).
Eazl typically recommends using ChatGPT's generative AI models as the first choice and, for longer prompts, Claude from Anthropic (available at claude.ai).
6[Expert Interview] 4 Takeaways on Growth from Sean Ellis, the OG Growth HackerVideo lesson
Sean Ellis is the man who coined the term "growth hacking". He has been the growth for five companies that surpassed the $1bn valuation mark. Here are four key takeaways from an interview he did with Eazl Growth Hacker in Residence Maja Voje.
7Be Data Driven! Let's Learn about GA4 and the 2024 Analytics LandscapeVideo lesson
8[Beginner] How to Measure Traffic Volume and Visitor InterestVideo lesson
9[Beginner] How to Measure Engagement and Actions TakenVideo lesson
10[Intermediate] Source/Medium and Good Traffic (Essential Skill)Video lesson
11[Expert Interview] Roberto from Google on Why GA4 is a Major Shift in AnalyticsVideo lesson
In this working interview, Roberto covers:
What’s different about GA 4?
How do you create custom segments in the new setup?
How do you add a data stream?
What’s enhanced measurement in GA 4?
How to set up GA 4 if you’re using a website builder or hosted site
Which attribution models are most appropriate for different business cases
How to use the explorer tools to create custom reports
12Google Analytics 4 and the New Direction of SEO and AnalyticsQuiz
13Pirate Metrics! Let’s Expand Your View of FunnelsVideo lesson
14[Intermediate] An Introduction to Digital Funnels and Conversion PointsVideo lesson
15Voices from the Field: The Impact of GDPR, iOS14, and Other Privacy FrameworksVideo lesson
16Show Off Some of Your New Google Analytics Skills Using the New GA4 ConsoleText lesson
17What if Your Focus was So Clear You Found Growth Hacks in Your Dreams?Video lesson
18[Beginner] The Fundamentals of Segmentation for Growth HackersVideo lesson
19[Expert Interview] Thomas Paris from MAD Kings on Segments and AcquisitionVideo lesson
20[Intermediate] How to Build Personas and Needs Maps through Customer InterviewsVideo lesson
21AI in Growth Hacking: Prompt for Developing an Early Customer ProfileVideo lesson
You can use this AI prompt with ChatGPT or Claude (both generative AI models offer nice free tiers). You can also use this with Meta's Llama and Google's AI models (for example, PaLM and Gemini) through the Eazl AI app (account required).
Eazl typically recommends using ChatGPT's generative AI models as the first choice and, for longer prompts, Claude from Anthropic (available at claude.ai).
22[Expert Interview] Alen Faljic from IDEO on Soft Data and Design ThinkingVideo lesson
23What are the Building Blocks of a Growth Hacking Campaign?Video lesson
24[Beginner] Three Growth Marketing Concepts We'll Use Throughout the CourseVideo lesson
25[B2C Case Study] Three Growth Levers Used to Grow a Hair Care Brand in the USVideo lesson
26You Don’t Need to Know Everything when You Have DataVideo lesson
27[Analyze Data] The Fundamentals of Lean Analytics (Beginner)Video lesson
28Voices from the Field: How to Kickstart Growth at a StartupVideo lesson
29[Focus on the Inputs] Find and Measure Your Leading Variables (Intermediate)Video lesson
30SideBYSide: How to Build & Share Dynamic Analytics Reports w/ Google Data StudioVideo lesson
In this SideBYSide, you'll learn:
How to connect a datasource (e.g. Google Analytics, Facebook for Business, LinkedIn, and many other datasources) to Google Data Studio
How to create customized dynamic reporting pages that can be shared
How to use report templates generated by the Google team and by the Data Studio community
31[Prioritize Growth Ideas] How to Use the ICE System in Growth Hacking (Beginner)Video lesson
32AI in Growth Hacking: Brainstorm & Rank Growth ExperimentsVideo lesson
You can use this AI prompt with ChatGPT or Claude (both generative AI models offer nice free tiers). You can also use this with Meta's Llama and Google's AI models (for example, PaLM and Gemini) through the Eazl AI app (account required).
Eazl typically recommends using ChatGPT's generative AI models as the first choice and, for longer prompts, Claude from Anthropic (available at claude.ai).
33[Expert Interview] Tips on Starting a Growth Team w/ Pedro (GrowthHackers.com)Video lesson
In this interview, you'll learn:
Why you should pick one single metric to hack when starting a growth team
What’s a reasonable success rate when it comes to executing on growth experiments?
Who should generate the growth ideas within a company
How you might leverage collaboration tools (e.g. Trello, Slack, Notion.so) to build a stronger experiment backlog
Why you might host an internal growth hacking workshop with your team to kick things off, and then shift the focus to digital collaboration methods
34[Work as a Team] 5 Hats: The Five Skills Needed to Hack Growth (Intermediate)Video lesson
35Practicum: How to Brainstorm and Rank Growth Hacking Experiment IdeasVideo lesson
36Rank Jure’s Waitlist Experiment Idea Using the ICE FrameworkText lesson
37What's language/market fit?Video lesson
38[Intermediate] Hacking Acquisition: The 8 Seconds Rule and Channel TestingVideo lesson
39Shelby Stephens from GrowthMatch Introduces the Concept of a Need NarrativeVideo lesson
40Exercise: Create a Need Narrative with the Guide from GrowthMatchText lesson
41[Beginner] Write Better Copy for Your Emails, Blogs, Websites, etc.Video lesson
42[Beginner] Send More Effective Marketing EmailsVideo lesson
43[Intermediate] Three Advanced Email Marketing ImplementationsVideo lesson
44[Intermediate] Try These Methods to Increase Email List SignupsVideo lesson
45SideBYSide: How to Use Email Marketing in Today’s MarketplaceVideo lesson
In this lecture, you're going to learn:
How to use welcome email sequences
When to set up automated communications or drip campaigns based on user activity
How to import your marketing lists
How to create segments based on user activity (e.g. purchasers, cart abandoners, etc.)
Which email marketing elements to test first (e.g. sender name, subject line, etc.)
46Email is Still Effective in 2024: The Persistent Value of Email MarketingQuiz
47[Beginner] Five Must-know Search Engine Optimization (SEO) PracticesVideo lesson
48[Intermediate] The Five-Point SEO Checklist for Content MarketingVideo lesson
49[Expert Interview] Dave Shanley on Content Creation and SEO for Growth MarketingVideo lesson
50Content Creation and SEO for Growth MarketersQuiz
51Practicum: Content Marketing Hacks with Matthew Guay (formerly @ Zapier)Video lesson
What you'll learn in this Practicum:
How to break into search results for a competitive search term
How to beat competitors with localized content
How to get your content to perform well within Google’s search algorithm
The practical steps to starting a campaign designed to begin ranking for a competitive search term
How to use online tools to qualify keyword ideas in terms of desirability and competitiveness
Why Google’s choice to display video content, definitions, and other custom display modules could harm your results for certain keywords
52[Advanced] How do UTM codes help track the performance of content & ads?Video lesson
53[Advanced] SideBYSide: Append UTM Codes to a LinkVideo lesson
54[Expert Interview] Katie from Rebrandly on Link Management for Growth MarketersVideo lesson
In this interview, you'll learn:
How to use newly-released top-level domains (TLDs) like .live or .jobs to drive more relevant traffic using branded links
How to use link management tactics to get information about important digital touchpoints
Why it’s helpful to be able to edit published links as you need to
How to use advanced techniques like adding retargeting pixels, UTM codes inside branded links, and routing traffic (e.g. mobile traffic, geo-based traffic) inside branded links
How to connect a domain to to the Rebrandly service to use as your base short URL
How to use branded deep links to drive traffic from the web to specific app states (e.g. in-app sales states)
55What’s the Language Spoken by 65% of the Global Population?Video lesson
56[Beginner] The Fundamentals of User Experience (UX)Video lesson
57[Beginner] How to Design a Killer Landing PageVideo lesson
58[Beginner] SideBYSide: How to Use Hotjar to Record and Review User BehaviorVideo lesson
In this tutorial, you'll learn:
How to use heatmaps and scroll maps generated using Hotjar
How to use recordings of users on a site that are generated with Hotjar
How to set up on-site polls with Hotjar
59[Expert Interview] Brian Taylor from Amazon on UX and When to Use A/B TestingVideo lesson
Some notes on Brian's interview:
Great quotes:
“Step one is becoming empathetic with your users, customers, and prospects. People are coming to your 'experience' with a state of mind and a particular frame of reference. The better you can step into their shoes, the better you are going to be at creating an experience that aligns your goals with their goals.”
“Testing and optimization is important once you have your structure set up. When you have low traffic, you're probably better off spending your time finding out how to get more traffic.”
Early on, A/B testing is probably a waste of your time. “Be wary of optimizing for local maxima and minima… if you're only A/B testing buttons, your range of variance is very small. You'll never A/B test your way to being Tesla.”
On digital funnels:
Think of great UX as a study of getting out of people's way. Put the experience together in a way that allows people to follow their natural inclinations, because if they're with you, there's a need that they already have.
Don't just throw features and products at people. You need to curate what you're presenting to people.
People leverage pieces of evidence that you give them to understand whether or not they 'belong' at a certain place or with a certain offering. Think of this evidence like the language you use, the images presented, etc.
Even if only one person is experiencing your “funnel,” psychologically, they put on different “hats” as they move down the funnel. A customer will see themselves differently at one point in your funnel than they will at another.
Most people won't want to focus on building a UX from scratch. Instead, see yourself as a curator that takes the best from your peers and translates it for your target personas.
60[Intermediate] Try these Five Methods to Increase ConversionsVideo lesson
61Use Hotjar Recordings to Generate Landing Page Optimization IdeasText lesson
62Imagine Yourself Managing Your Own Digital AirportVideo lesson
63Voices from the Field: What role does TikTok play in your marketing mix?Video lesson
64[Beginner] Paid Traffic: The Structure, Channels, and Metrics of Online AdsVideo lesson
65[Beginner] Paid Traffic: The Fundamentals of Setting Up Search (or “CPC”) AdsVideo lesson
66[Beginner] Paid Traffic: Audiences & the Basics of Social Media Ads vs. PPCVideo lesson
67[Expert Interview] Jack Paxton on iOS 15, COVID & Paid Traffic in 2024Video lesson
In this interview, Jack Paxton and Maja will discuss:
How the iOS 15 update impacted the paid traffic and remarketing landscape
How to combat data discrepancies between platform dashboards and what you see on your platform
Where opportunities are with influencers and user-generated content
Why the way to “future-proof” a business is to own the relationship with the customer
68[Expert Interview] B2B Lead Generation through LinkedIn® with Gabe VillimizarVideo lesson
What you'll learn in this interview + tutorial:
How you can use LinkedIn Publishing for top-of-the-funnel (e.g. Awareness, Acquisition) activities
How your professional brand impacts your ability to sell using social channels like LinkedIn
What’s changed about the B2B selling process now that information about products and services is widely available on the Internet
How many “digital touches” it takes to get appointments with relevant enterprise buyers
Why marketers should work with sales teams to create “digital playbooks” for targeting big accounts
How B2B campaigns can integrate LinkedIn Marketing Solutions into their work
How to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to enhance your B2B efforts
69[Expert Interview] Bob Green on Paid Leads and Qualification SystemsVideo lesson
70[Practicum] Maja's 3-part System to Generating B2B Leads OrganicallyVideo lesson
71Could Lifetime Customer Value Be the Most Important Marketing Metric?Video lesson
72[Intermediate] How to Estimate Lifetime Customer Value and Acquisition CostVideo lesson
73[Advanced] Place a Value at Each Point of Conversion in Your FunnelVideo lesson
74[Intermediate] SideBYSide: Estimate LTV and CAC of Different Personas (See Link)Video lesson
You can find this spreadsheet at: www.bit.ly/customercompare
Once you open the sheet, make a copy for yourself by going to File > Make a Copy
75Using LTV, CAC, and Marketing Funnel Metrics to Make Strategic DecisionsText lesson
76[Advanced] Real-world Cases of Data Privacy Laws Increasing CACText lesson
77How to Mix Social Media and Public Relations to Expand Your AudienceVideo lesson
78[Intermediate] What Factors Increase the “Viral Effect” of Content?Video lesson
79[Intermediate] ...but What Really Makes a Piece of Content “Go Viral?”Video lesson
80What are the dynamics behind content going viral on social media?Quiz
81[Expert Interview] Joy Schoffler from Leverage PR on Working the MediaVideo lesson
82[Intermediate] No Money for a Publicist? Here are Some DIY Publicity HacksVideo lesson
83Where the Fun and Money Is (or Mr. Steve’s 100th Birthday Party)Video lesson
84[Intermediate] The Fundamentals of Remarketing Based on User BehaviorVideo lesson
85[Intermediate] SideBYSide: Build Audiences Who Engaged on Facebook or InstagramVideo lesson
86[Expert Interview] Simon Belak on Segmenting and Lifetime Customer ValueVideo lesson
87[Advanced] SideBYSide: Let’s Target of Cart Abandoners and Engaged Traffic on FBVideo lesson
88[Intermediate] How to Define and Growth Hack Your Retention CohortsVideo lesson
89Practicum: Using Online Communities and Customer Journey Mapping for RetentionVideo lesson