SAP FICO (Financial Accounting & Management Accounting)
- Description
- Curriculum
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Οι τιμές πού εμφανίζονται στο Seminarpro ενδέχεται να είναι διαφορετικές από αυτές του Udemy , αυτό συμβαίνει διότι περιστασιακά το Udemy μεταβάλλει τις τιμές ανάλογα με την πολιτική προσφορών που εφαρμόζει. Η τιμή αγοράς είναι αυτή που εμφανίζεται κάθε φορά στο Udemy.
Τα Σεμινάρια που προβάλλονται στο Seminarpro αλλά προέρχονται από το Udemy περιέχουν video με ελληνικούς υπότιτλους. Οι υπόλοιπες δραστηριότητες όπως σημειώσεις ή ερωτήσεις κατανόησης είναι στα Αγγλικά.
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Περιγραφή Σεμιναρίου
Το SAP FI είναι ένα σύστημα οικονομικής διαχείρισης που αναλύει τα οικονομικά δεδομένα ενός οργανισμού. Η SAP CO είναι υπεύθυνη για την παρακολούθηση, τον συντονισμό και τη βελτιστοποίηση όλων των διαδικασιών ενός οργανισμού.
Το μάθημα SAP FICO θα προετοιμάσει τους μαθητές να μάθουν και να κατανοήσουν όλα τα βήματα υλοποίησης από άκρο σε άκρο για τη διαμόρφωση των ενοτήτων SAP FI και CO για οποιονδήποτε οργανισμό.
Το μάθημα υπογραμμίζει επίσης την απαραίτητη τεκμηρίωση και τη μεθοδολογία που χρησιμοποιούνται σε έργα υλοποίησης SAP FICO.
Μετά από αυτό το μάθημα, οι φοιτητές θα είναι σε θέση να εντοπίσουν και να αναλύσουν τις επιχειρηματικές απαιτήσεις οποιουδήποτε οργανισμού για τον κύκλο διαδικασίας Record to Report και να διαμορφώσουν ανάλογα τις ενότητες SAP FICO.
Αποποίηση ευθύνης: Το SAP και άλλα προϊόντα της SAP που αναφέρονται στην εκπαίδευση είναι εμπορικό σήμα ή σήμα κατατεθέν της SAP SE, Γερμανία.
1Introduction to the CourseVideo lesson
Introduction to the Course
2Introduction to SAP - Part 01Video lesson
Introduction to SAP ERP
SAP ABAP/4 Language
What is SAP R/3?
Development view of R/3 (System Landscape/Client-Server Approach)
Hardware view of R/3 (Presentation server, Application server and Database server)
What is a Client?
What is ERP?
SAP Product offerings as per company-size
SAP's new dimensional products/applications
SAP's Industry-specific solutions
3Quiz 1:Quiz
4Introduction to SAP - Part 02Video lesson
Introduction to SAP ERP
Benefits of SAP
Introduction of SAP NetWeaver
5ASAP MethodologyVideo lesson
ASAP Methodology
Different Phases to implement SAP
SAP Team Mapping (Functional/Technical Consultants & Business Users)
Introduction of different Business Blueprint documentations
What is GAP Analysis?
Introduction of WRICEF Elements
Introduction of AS-IS and TO-BE Methodology
Overview of Enterprise - Organizational Structure
Introduction of Software Testing (UT, IT, DT, UAT, RT), HPQC and QT
Introduction of Data migration and cut-over strategies
6Quiz 2:Quiz
7SAP GUI & SAP NavigationVideo lesson
Introduction to SAP GUI
SAP Navigation
Three different ways to access transactions in SAP
SAP GUI options (Theme, Local Data, Font etc.)
SAP system status, version and component information
Overview of IMG (Implementation Guide)
User Maintenance
Overview of Transport Organizer
Overview of existing Clients in the system
8Quiz 3:Quiz
9Enterprise Structure - Part 01 (Configuration)Video lesson
Enterprise Structure in IMG (Implementation Guide)
Defining the Company
Automatic recording of changes in the Client settings (Customizing request dialogue box)
Introduction and creation of Company code
Change the Company code details
10Quiz 4:Quiz
11Enterprise Structure - Part 02 (Configuration)Video lesson
Introduction and creation of Business Areas
Introduction and creation of Consolidated Business Area
Global parameters for Company code
Introduction of Functional Area
Introduction of FM Area
Introduction of Credit Control Area
Overview of Controlling, LG, SD, MM, LE, HR in Enterprise structure
Assignment of company code to company
Assignment of company code to credit control area
Assignment of business area to consolidated business area
Hierarchy levels
12Quiz 5:Quiz
13Variant Principle and Currencies (Configuration)Video lesson
Introduction of 3-step methodology of Variant Principle
Three types of Variants (Fiscal Year Variant, Posting Period Variant & Field Status Variant)
Fiscal Year (with Shortened Fiscal Year) Variant
Year dependent Fiscal Year
Year Independent Fiscal Year
Calendar Fiscal Year
Non-calendar Fiscal Year
Introduction of Shortened Fiscal Year
Introduction of Fiscal Year standard templates
Creation of Fiscal Year Variant (Non-calendar Fiscal Year)
Introduction of Special Periods
Creation of Posting Period Variant
Define the values for Open and Close Posting Periods
Assignment of Posting Period Variant to the company code
Introduction of Currencies (3 methods)
Reference/Base Currency
Exchange rate spread
Check Exchange Rate Types (SAP NetWeaver)
Introduction of 3 Types of Exchange Rate
M (Average exchange rate)
B (Bank selling rate)
G (Bank buying rate)
Introduction of inversion method (Direct and Indirect quotation)
Enter Exchange Rates (SAP NetWeaver)
Introduction of Alternative Exchange Rate Type (EURX, EURO)
Maintain Exchange Rate Spreads (SAP NetWeaver)
Overview of Transport Organizer Requests
14Quiz 6:Quiz
15General Ledger Master Data (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Chart of Accounts (General Ledger)
What is Master Data?
Introduction of Chart of Accounts (Highest level of hierarchy in GL Accounts)
Three types of Chart of Accounts
Operative or Company Code Chart of Accounts
Group Chart of Accounts (Consolidated Financial Statements)
Country Chart of Accounts
Introduction of Chart of Accounts Segment and Company Code Segment
Different transaction codes for the creation of different chart of accounts
Creation of Operative or Company Code Chart of Accounts
Assignment of chart of accounts to the company code
Account Groups
Introduction and creation of Account Groups (Assets, Liabilities, Expenses and Income)
Define Retained Earnings Account (P&L statement account type symbol: +)
Introduction of Field Status Variant and Field Status Group
Introduction of G/L Account Groups Field Status and its Priority Level: (Suppress, Display, Req. Entry, Opt. Entry)
Creation of Field Status Variant and Field Status Group
Introduction of how to display the transaction code through Additional information
Transaction code: OBC4 to change Field Status Variant
Assignment of field status variant to the company code
General Ledger Master Data - TC: FS00
Creation of GL Accounts (Chart of Accounts Segment and Company Code Segment)
External number range for the GL Accounts
Alternative account number
The concept of Open item management and Line item display
Creation of Reconciliation Account (Assets), Retained Earnings account (Liabilities), P&L accounts (Expense & Revenue)
Introduction of Sort Key for Line item display
Field Status Groups for Expense and Revenue accounts
Introduction of Chart of Account information: TC: F.10
16Quiz 7:Quiz
17Master Data - Customer & Vendor (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Accounts Receivable/Customer Master Record
Introduction of 3 Segments: General data (FI), Company code segment (FI) and Sales area segment (SD)
Difference between Decentrally and Centrally Master data
Preparations for creating Customer Master data (IMG)
Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers)
Creation of Customer Account Group with/without One-time account
Overview of Screen Layout per Company code (Customers)
Overview of Screen Layout per Activity (Customers)
Overview of Change Message control for Customer master data
Overview of defining Industries
Creation of Number Ranges for Customer Accounts
Internal and External Number Ranges (Alpha-numeric)
Assignment of Number ranges to Customer account groups
Creation of Customer Master Data (Easy access)
Introduction of SAP GUI options to show keys within dropdown list
Accounts Payable/Vendor Master Record
Introduction of 3 Segments: General data (FI), Company code segment (FI) and Purchasing area segment (MM)
Creation Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts
Internal and External Number Ranges (Alpha-numeric)
Assignment of Number ranges to Vendor account groups
Creation of Vendor Master Data (Easy access)
18Quiz 8:Quiz
19Assignment 1:Text lesson
20Bank Master Data (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Bank Master Data
Define House Banks
Set Country-Specific Checks (SAP NetWeaver)
Creation of Bank Master Data (Easy Access)
21Quiz 9:Quiz
22Document Structure & Postings (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Document Control and Structure
Header Level and Item Level
Document Type (Controls the Header Level, Number Ranges and Account Types)
Posting Keys (Controls the Item Level, Field Status and Account Types)
Simple Documents in Financial Accounting
Creation of G/L Account Document (TC: FB50)
Accounting Editing Options (Doc. Type option, Display periods)
Introduction of Controlling Area hierarchy to fix the issue (Same chart of accounts and fiscal year variant)
Maintain Controlling Area
Assignment of Company code to the Controlling
Maintain Number Ranges for CO Document
Posting of G/L Account Document
Document Display with Ledger 0L, Header and Item Information (TC: FB03)
Creation and Posting of G/L Account Posting (TC: F-02)
Enter rate INR/GBP rate type M (SAP NetWeaver)
Activation of components/control indicators for Controlling Area
Display/Change Line Items (TC: FBL3N)
Display G/L Account Balances (TC: FAGLB03)
Reference Documents
Account Assignment Model (TC: FKMT and TC: FB50)
Recurring Model with the reference of Account Assignment Model (Periodic Processing – TC: F.15)
Recurring Entries List (Periodic Processing – TC: F.15)
Recurring Entries Execute (Periodic Processing – TC: F.14)
Batch Input Session (TC: SM35)
Creation of Accounts Receivable/Customer Invoice (TC: FB70 or F-22)
Document Display (TC: FB03)
Display Currency for Document
Display/Change Line Items (TC: FBL5N)
Display Balances (TC: FD10N)
Creation of Accounts Payable/Vendor Invoice (TC: FB60 or F-43)
Document Display (TC: FB03)
Display Currency for Document
Display/Change Line Items (TC: FBL1N)
Display Balances (TC: FK10N)
23Quiz 10:Quiz
24Assignment 2:Text lesson
25Credit Memo & One-time account (End User)Video lesson
Customer/Vendor Credit Memo
One-time Customer/Vendor
Document Display
Display/Change Line Items
Display Balances
26Quiz 11:Quiz
27Posting Period - Posting Authorization - Layout - Screen Variant (Configuration)Video lesson
Posting Period Variant (End-User)
Materials Management View on Company Codes
Posting Authorizations
Definition and Assignment of Tolerance Groups to Users/Employees
Customization for Line items Layout and Screen Variant for Line Item Display and Reporting
28Quiz 12:Quiz
29Default Values - Document Change Control (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Posting Control
Default Values
Document Type
Posting Key
Document Changes
Document Change Control
30Document Reversal (End User)Video lesson
Document Reversal
Normal Reverse Posting
Negative Reverse Posting
31Quiz 13:Quiz
32Payment Terms - Cash Discount - Clearing (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Payment Terms and Cash Discount
Post with Clearing – Incoming and Outgoing Payments (Cash Discount)
Account Clearing – Credit Memo
33Quiz 14:Quiz
34GL Document Posting (End User)Video lesson
GL Document Posting and Clearing
35Quiz 15:Quiz
36Exchange Rate Differences (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Exchange Rate Differences
37Quiz 16:Quiz
38Taxes (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Taxes (Input tax and Output tax)
39Payment Differences - Tolerance Groups - Reset Cleared Items (Configuration & EnVideo lesson
Clearing – Payment Differences
Payment Differences
Partial Payment
Residual Items
Tolerance Groups (G/L, Customers/Vendors)
Reset Cleared Items
40Quiz 17:Quiz
41Special GL Transactions (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Special G/L transactions
Configuration of Special G/L Transactions
Down Payment Received
Down Payment Made
42Quiz 18:Quiz
43Cash Journal (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Cash journal (Bank Accounting)
Cash Journal Configuration
Cash Journal Transaction
44Holding and Parking Documents (End User)Video lesson
Parking and Holding Documents
Basics of Document Parking Versus Hold Document
Parking Documents and Processing Parked Document
45Quiz 19:Quiz
46Validations and Substitutions (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Validations and Substitutions
47Quiz 20:Quiz
48Automatic Payment Program (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Automatic Payment Program (APP)
Payment Run – Overview
Payment Program Configuration
Running the Payment Program
Edit the Payment Proposal
Debit Balance Check
49Quiz 21:Quiz
50Automatic Dunning Program (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Automatic Dunning Program
Dunning Run - Overview
Dunning Program Configuration
The Dunning Run
Edit the Dunning Proposals
Printing Dunning Notices
51Quiz 22:Quiz
52Correspondence (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Correspondence – Overview
Correspondence Types
53Quiz 23:Quiz
54Financial Statement Version (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Standard Reports in General Ledger Accounting, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement
Financial Statement Version
55Quiz 24:Quiz
56Introduction to Controlling (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Introduction to Controlling
Integration between FI and CO
Cost Element Accounting
Primary Cost Elements and Secondary Cost Elements
Cost Centre Accounting
Creation of Cost Centres
Profit Centre Accounting
Creation of Profit Centres
57Quiz 25:Quiz
58Actual & Plan Data (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Actual/Plan Data
Cost Elements/Activity Input Planning (Primary Cost Element)
Activity Type/Price Planning (Activity Type/Secondary Cost Element)
Actual Flow of data from FI / Variance
Cost Centre Reports/Profit Centre Reports
59Quiz 26:Quiz
60Distribution and Assessment (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Distribution and Assessment (Month-End Closing / Year-End Closing)
61Quiz 27:Quiz
62Internal Order (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Internal Order
63Quiz 28:Quiz
64Asset Accounting (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Organizational Structures
Chart of Depreciation
Account determination
Screen Layout rules
Number ranges
Asset Classes
Integration with the General Ledger
Assign G/L Accounts
65Quiz 29:Quiz
66Asset Depreciation (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Valuation Methods – Depreciation Keys
Valuation – Depreciation Areas
Determination of Depreciation Areas
Master Data (Configuration)
Screen Layout for Master data and Depreciation Areas
67Quiz 30:Quiz
68Transaction types and Form for History Sheet (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Transactions and Information System
Transaction types to Depreciation Areas
Define or Assign Forms (History Sheet)
69Segments for Profit Centers (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Cost Centres/Profit Centres for Assets
70Asset Master Data & Postings (End User)Video lesson
Master Data and Postings
Asset Master Records
Asset Acquisition
71Quiz 31:Quiz
72Asset Postings & Closing (End User)Video lesson
Asset Retirement
Assets under Construction (AuC)
Intracompany/Intercompany Asset Transfer
Miscellaneous Posting (Add the Acquisition Value)
Periodic Processing
Depreciation Posting
Fiscal Year Change
Year-End Closing (Asset Accounting)
Information System
Report Selection
Year - end Closing (Foreign Currency Valuation, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General Ledger)
73Quiz 32:Quiz
74New General Ledger (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
New General Ledger
Ledger Definition
Document Splitting
Segment Reporting
Periodic Processing and Information System (New)
75Quiz 33:Quiz
76Cross Company Code Transactions (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Cross-Company Code Transactions
77Quiz 34:Quiz
78Integration of CO with FI - New GL (Configuration & End User)Video lesson
Integration of CO with FI (New GL)
79Quiz 35:Quiz